Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Ward FAM!

Well I decided to start a family blog, even if it is just Emerson and me! Hopefully I'll have enough to write about! I just love reading everybody elses blogs so much that I thought I should start one of my own.

So here it goes...Today I am so excited because one of my best friends is coming to town! You all remember Danielle! My roommate from college, when we lived in the horrendous Erie house, haha. Wow, that house was such a mess! But it was some of the best times I've ever had...And a lot of that was due to Dan!

This is a pic of Dan in my wedding.


  1. Hi Dan. Hope I get to see you while you are here.

  2. SO excited to be in AZ.. Kari and Em, you guys are the best!
