Friday, February 19, 2010

22 Weeks and Counting...

Ok, so I think I'm starting to look pregnant. I can tell because strangers are now helping me at the airport, haha. At first I thought this guy was hitting on me, because he kept helping me with my bag. But after I sat down, I realized, oh! he must be able to tell I'm pregnant!

I've been inspired to write a little bit about this pregnancy (because of Ruth...thanks Ruth). So this will probably be boring to everyone, but read on if you'd like.

When we first found out we were pregnant, I took the pregnancy test, but I was way to nervous to actually look at the results. We had had that 'negative' test come back too many times, and I couldn't take the disappointment much longer. So, I made Emerson look at it of course, thinking that he would be able to soften the blow. But I knew as soon as I saw his face that we were gonna have a baby. He had the same look that he had on our wedding day, when I took that first step down the aisle. The wide-eyed, I'm-gonna-cry-I'm-so-happy look...It's a face I will never forget.

I refused to let myself delve into the dream world of mommyhood, because I was just so nervous that something would happen. While excited, I just didn't want to get my hopes up until we saw that little bitty heartbeat. So I took it one day at a time, reading into every little symptom or lack there of! I kept wanting to call the doctor and ask questions like..."Why was I really nauseous and sick yesterday, but today I feel fine? Is everything ok? Should I come back in for another ultrasound?!" Emerson was my rock, always reassuring me and calming me the way no one else can. So we saw his lil heartbeat once, and then we saw it again two weeks later, and then I finally let myself start to dream about this little baby!!

Now 22 weeks in, I cry practically everyday because all of my dreams are coming true. I love this little guy SO much. I can't wait for him to arrive, and to see Emerson as a daddy. As of now, I crave mostly sweets and cereal. I have at least 2-3 bowls of cereal a day. It's just that nothing else seems to taste good to me. Oh, and remember Capri Sun drinks?? Well, I have a couple of those a day too. Kind of want one right now :)

My belly button popped out a while ago, right around 14 weeks. Which was weird because I wasn't even close to showing yet?? But now I wouldn't even recognize my belly button since it's morphed into it's own being, which is really scary because I know I've still got a long way to go. Oh dear, what will it look like then??

I'll post pics of my belly in a week or two, once I can get Emerson to take a few of me, instead of me taking them in the mirror.


  1. Cute! I am glad you are jounraling!

    My belly button pops out so bad with my pregnancies, that I sometimes put a bandaid over it to tone it down with some shirts!! The worst is when a stranger pokes it! Horrible!

    Anyway, glad to hear that things are going great! I can't wait to see pictures! :)

  2. I wanna see!!

    I LOVED cereal my entire pregnancy and thought I would be sick of it once I was done.... but I still love it!

    Can't wait to see your cute belly!

  3. Your belly is so cute! Keep journaling, I love it!!

  4. I love the pregnancy posts, so keep it up! You looked so cute when I saw you a couple of weeks ago...I'm glad we got to catch up a little.

  5. I love your pregnancy stories. Can't wait for the little guy to make his grand entrance.
