Tuesday, August 3, 2010

6 and a 1/2 weeks

Kingston weighed in this past week at 11lbs! He has the most adorable cheeks that I've ever seen. We're still not exactly sure who he looks like, but my mom swears he looks just like me. I think the problem is that Em and I kind of look alike ourselves; and we did as babies too. We both had crazy chubby cheeks, so Kingston was undoubtedly more than blessed in the chubby cheek department! He also has the most magnificent dark blue eyes. I hope they stay that way!!

He has been smiling for about two weeks now, and more and more everyday. His little smile just melts my heart. His favorite games to play (I'm guessing obviously) are 'Hide the Mama'. Where I hide behind his bouncy chair and pop out yelling, 'There she is!'. This always gets a smile. His favorite things to do right now are eat (made obvious by the following pictures), grunt like nobody's business, spit up, stare out windows and up at fans, ride in the car, have his forehead rubbed (which immediately puts him to sleep) and of course fart and poop. He also couldn't live with out his binky, and it has to be the MAM brand. He sucks on that thing like its a drug. And yes, I am worried that he'll need rehab for it before he ends up in 10th grade with it! But for now, it works wonders when he's cranky. He chews it like gum, and lets it hang outside his mouth, then sucks it in really quick.

In the last few days he has learned to blow spit bubbles; adorable. His grunting has earned him the nickname, you guessed it...Grunt. His favorite places to nap are on my lap and in his bouncy chair. He's actually a very independent baby, and likes to lay on the floor or in his bouncy chair, sometimes rather than being held. And yes, this does hurt my feelings...But I know it's a great thing for babysitters and me in the long run. But all I want to do is just squeeze my little boy! At night, he does like to be rocked to sleep! He's becoming a great sleeper and has been sleeping about 5 - 6 hours at night, woohoo!!! Let's not forget how much he loves his daddy too. He will just lay on Emerson's belly and stare up at him, and smile up a storm. That also brings tears to my eyes...His best friend though, by far, is Joey, my other baby. Besides staring at Daddy, Joey is his second favorite thing to look at...

I am truly enjoying spending every second with my new love. I am very worried about how I'm going to go back to work, and leave him. I'm sure he'll be fine, but I'm not sure I will be! So for now I'm soaking up every minute, every smile, even every fart and poop explosion...

A few of my favorite pictures from the last few weeks:

My 'King' of the Jungle...

Best Friends...

My little hood rat...

Daddy's favorite outfit for Kingston...

My little prayin' baby...

Napping on mommy's belly...

All smiles...

Another favorite way to nap...


  1. Oh, hi Bubba (King)! Oh my gosh he is a grinning, sleeping, praying, jungle king! I miss him and you and can't wait to see your beautiful family and hold one of you (hmmm, which one) in just a few days! xoxo

  2. Oh he has changed so much. I can't wait to see him Monday!

  3. Great blog Kare. I love that little booger. And yes, he looks like you. Just wait until you see your baby pictures and you can compare yourself. Can't wait to babysit tomorrow and Friday, Squeeze those cheeks for me.
