Monday, February 14, 2011

Time Flies!

I can't believe Kingston will be 8 months this week...Where does the time go! Wow, that makes me sound really old.

He is not yet crawling, but he wants to SOOOO bad! He can take two steps, but then his arms get tired and he crumbles down to his belly, and from there he just rolls 'til he gets where he wants to go. He is still quite the mama's boy, and you won't hear any complaints from me. I absolutely Luh-OVE this stage. He's also really close to saying MaMa. Actually, he says 'mama' but not really in the right sense yet. And he screams it when he's mad...not my favorite stage, haha. He's got two adorable teeth on the bottom, and two, let's just call them interesting, teeth coming in on top. Not sure if anybody else can vouch for some gap top two teeth? This normal??

Kingston is my absolute love! Along with his daddy, of course. Although, I think Em would be happy to be done with the 'mommy/separation anxiety' stage. He's ready for the 'kick the soccer ball around the field' stage.

Below is a few pictures from the last couple of months:


  1. He is so cute, Kari! And growing up so fast. As far as teeth go, all my kids had gap teeth when they first came closed up nicely once her other teeth came in, one has a permanent gap, and I'm not sure about the last one yet (but her teeth are definitely coming in funky!). I guess time will tell!

  2. If the gap doesn't close there are good orthodontists out there to help with that. JK He is certainly one adorable little guy. Oh, and he said nana yesterday. :)

  3. Oh yea, looks like it is time to lower the crib mattress. Kingston is going to climb right out and over the rail. He looks so grown up in that picture. Slow down little guy.
