Thursday, March 25, 2010

27 Weeks...Third Trimester??

There is so much conflicting information out there; my iphone app says my third trimester started yesterday, agrees, but says it's next week...Anywhoo-It doesn't really matter. I just like announcing the milestones!!

Everything has been going pretty well lately! This lil guy is quite the kicker. I love sitting there and watching my whole belly shake and twitch. He also decided that he hates having is heart rate taken. Wherever the nurse put the doppler-thing, he would very visibly and viciously kick it off!

I'm still a nervous wreck as usual. This pregnancy has turned me into a serious hypochondriac! If he's moving too much I worry, if he's not moving enough, I worry! If I don't keep busy at work I will be consumed by my every thought!!

Last weekend, I was flying home from Denver on a recruiting trip and I swear I was going into labor. I felt very consistent tightening in my stomach for a couple of hours. Then it would stop, and start again! This happened from 11am until about 8pm!! I didn't want to worry Emerson, but I was definitely freaking OUT! I called the doctor, and they told me that it was most likely Braxton-Hicks contractions. Anybody else ever experience these so early?? They gradually stopped since then, but I'm afraid to fly again (regionals are two weeks from now, BTW)!

I love this little rambunctious dude in my belly. Emerson told me last night that he's jealous that I get to feel him move all day long. I thought that was cute. And I said, are you also jealous of my veiny boobs, expanding belly and butt, back pain, indigestion, heart burn, hunger, and no clothes to wear?! He's such a sweetheart, he literally does everything around the house these days. I couldn't ask for a better hubby!


  1. I loved feeling Jonnie all the time in my belly... so special! I'm still waiting for the infamous belly shots... let's see the goods girl!

  2. You are a doll! You without anything to wear is still ten times more stylish than anyone else in the room :) I loved seeing so much of your beautiful little family this weekend and the highlight was definitely getting kicked by baby W at Grandpa's bbq. That was the farting best! (sorry but I hope you'll laugh) It's impossible not to worry but at least you are self-aware that you make yourself crazy. You've got a strong little fellow in there and you and he are both doing great! I just can't wait to meet the sweet mister <3 xo my wonderful sis!

  3. Horray Kari! The third trimester. You are on the last leg of the race!! I agree with the first comment, let's see the belly!!!

    Just to ease your mind, I got braxton hicks that early on, especially when my body was tired and dehydrated...probably like yours from traveling. It is always kinda scary though huh? Is this real or fake?

    Good luck at Regionals!
