Monday, February 9, 2009

CORE Appreciation Dinner

Saturday night was the annual CORE Appreciation Dinner for Em's work. This year it was at the Phoenix Zoo, which was cool, except for the fact that the only animal we saw was a GIGANTIC vulture...yikes! I tried to sneak over to the elephants, but we got caught by the zoo ranger, haha.

Anyway, it was a really fun night. It's always great to hear Em's boss talk so highly of him. The president of the company said that the Memorial Union job was the hardest project that he's ever seen. Of course Em was the main Project Manager on this job! What an accomplishment for such a young guy! I'm so proud of him! Here's a picture from the night...sorry it's so close up, but we took it while driving, haha!!


  1. I am so happy you have a blog!!! It's a great way for us to feel closer to you both...who we adore so much! We have a room waiting for you to stay in! When can you come to MN?

