Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Joey's Valentine's Surprise...

As many of you know, our 2nd anniversary is March 3rd. So for Valentine's Day, we decided to not do anything for eachother because we wanted to spend money for our anniversary. So on Saturday morning I obviously wasn't expecting anything...I wake up to the sound of Joey crying downstairs, and I hear Emerson saying "SHHHH....", haha. So I was about to get up when Joey jumped onto our bed with a little box tied onto his collar.

The box was a little big for Joey to drag up the stairs, but isn't he adorable, haha! Emerson knows the way to my heart is through that little doggie. I first opened the card from Emo and it was so sweet (I'll spare you all the mushy details LOL). And then I opened Joey's box, and it was a beautiful necklace from Shane Co. (where our rings are from). The necklace is from the "Journey Collection", which is so fitting for us right now...and that just made me cry more.

My brother, Robbie, also pointed out that it's an infinity symbol in the Math world of his brain...I thought that was fitting too. So later in the day, we were going down to Tucson to cook dinner for Rob, Lindsey, and baby O. While at the grocery store, I just couldn't keep my emotions in check because of the wonderful morning I had had. I started to cry at the store because there were so many Dads and husbands at the store getting items to cook for their wives. I just sat there thinking to myself, wow, these boys really DO love us women.

Anyway, it was a special Valentine's day! I also loved getting to know my nephew a little more too! Sorry I completely forgot to take pics down in Tucson, I'll be sure to post some pics of BIG O soon...


  1. way to go emerson!! My man missed the ball on V-day, maybe he needs a little pep talk from you!

  2. Don't go too hard on your man! Em missed the ball last year, hence the diamond necklace this year, haha!!

  3. Its Beautiful! I think i would have been happy with a cute box tied to joey, that was pretty cute all on its own! Im glad you guys had such a good day.
