Monday, February 23, 2009

25 Interesting Things...

You've all seen these 'Interesting Things' I'm sure...You just list 25 interesting things about yourself. Doesn't matter what it is, as long as you think it's interesting.

1. I worry about EVERYTHING...For example, I'll say something to someone, and then hours later realize that it could've been taken the wrong way. Then I'll sit and worry about that for the next couple of days until my brain finds something else to fret over.

2. I think I've changed a lot in the last couple of years. I used to be this confident, outspoken, funny individual...and now I'm kind of a shy introvert. While many people may think I'm perky, smiley, and happy-go-lucky, I'm actually very cynical and sarcastic, I just hide it well...

3. I am an eternal pessimist. And Emerson is an eternal optimist. I love this about him, he's the pearly white in my black background...

4. I am extremely book smart, but not street smart AT ALL!

5. I believe Emerson is the only one in this world who TRULY knows me.

6. I am obsessed with the Twilight Book series. I'll be in the middle of class day-dreaming about the vampire-werewolf world..."awww, dreamy"...see, I'm doing it again, haha.

7. I am embarassed by the amount of TV I watch.

8. I want kids so bad that it hurts.

9. While listening to the radio (or any music for that matter) I immediately start visualizing a choreographed dance to it.

10. I'm doing this instead of writing a 6 page research paper on how increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids can decrease symptoms of depression.

11. I don't think I'll ever get over my public speaking fear, no matter how many presentations I have to give.

12. I'm very intuitive (meaning that I can usually tell what people are thinking, or how they are feeling). A palm-reader once read my palm at a Halloween Party and told me that I had a "sixth sense" about me. She said that my great ancestor was probably a witch...eerie huh!

13. I believe that real TRUE friends are incredibly hard to find. The older I get, the more I realize how important the TRUE ones really are.

14. I miss swinging giants, doing blind-changes, stalders, and double front dismounts on bars. At night I'll have dreams that I'm doing a double-front half-out off of bars, and it's awesome. I think I could still do it if I tried :) And if I got the chance, I bet I'd be a good vaulter now...not really, but a girl can dream right?!

15. I never dream about doing beam or floor.

16. I wish we lived closer to my nephew...I think about him everyday.

17. I'm more religious than people think I am.

18. I don't work as hard as I should at my job, and while I feel constantly guilty about it, I don't change my behavior.

19. I hate disappointing people and I hate when people disappoint me.

20. Joey (my doggie) and I are extremely connected mentally. And I'm positive that he has a human soul in that little weiner body of his...

21. If I could go back in time and start my education over, I would be a zoologist, with a specialty in elephants...

22. I say the line, "that's what she said" in my head all day long, or sometimes under my breath.

23. I cannot STAND flaky people...If you say you're going to do something or be somewhere, just do it!

24. Even though I'm going to be a dietitian here soon, I still don't eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day...I don't think that's even possible.

25. No matter what kind of day I'm having, shopping ALWAYS makes me feel better...


  1. Catching the perfect release move has got to be one of the greatest feeling in the world! I dream about that sometimes.

    I was you to have babies too. I hope it all works out.

  2. #9...oh my gosh I thought I was the only one! You and Deb should come to the gym and workout with me. Seriously...any time. Do you go to school on Fridays?

  3. I dream about gymnastics all the time, but I'm always huge and pregnant, trying to do everything so the coaches won't know I'm pregnant. haha, it's weird.

    My daughter LOVES elephants like you. She has had an imaginary elephant for over a year now.

    Oh, and yes, I read your blog! Found it through Debbie's...hope you don't mind!

  4. My gym dreams always involve me crashing and seriously hurting to the point of being in a wheelchair. :) hehe. And that's super funny that you say in your head "that's what she said" all day. Reminds me of the office....oh how I love that show :) By the, Deb, and mar need to come over to my new house so we can hang out!

  5. These things are why I love you so much!
