Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kingston's Here!!!

I'm sitting here with my two week old baby boy, just loving on him like crazy. When I was pregnant, it felt like I was pregnant for years! But now that he's here, it feels like it all went by so quick!

If you want to read the whole story and see pics from the day he was born and our first week home, I posted my 'book' on the right hand of the blog. It'll probably be a boring read for anybody else, I just wanted to document everything for his baby book...

We are just cherishing every moment with our little dude and I'm trying to get as much sleep as I can. Kingston likes to sleep all day, and party all night which has made for some long nights! He got some newborn pics done yesterday, so I'll post those as soon as I get them!


  1. Congratulations! I LOVE your blurb book! Isn't blurb the best? I am addicted.

    Can't wait to see more pictures! Glad to hear that your delivery went well. What a good size baby too! I am so happy for you guys!

  2. Hahaha. Sleep all day, party all night. Sounds like his daddy. Love the picture blog. Great idea. I really love my little grandson. He is so precious.

  3. Nick and I are so happy for the both of you! Praise God, he does know the best gifts to give. He's beautiful! Enjoy the lazy days with him! Most people don't tell you that it will never be like that when the rest of the clan is born!

    Rejoicing with you, The Saari's
