Friday, September 10, 2010


It is truly very scary to love somebody so much...I know I couldn't go on if anything every happened to my little baby. He's got his very first cold, and I know he's going to be fine. But still, makes me so sad to see him suffer even in the slightest.


  1. Now you know what the definition of mom is. Pure, unconditional love that grows with each breath your child takes. It never goes away, no matter how old your baby gets. The worry never fades, the joy just keeps increasing and you give God thanks for the gift He has given you. Just when you think your heart can't get any fuller, God blesses you with grandchildren.
    You are a good mom Kari. Em is a good dad. Kingston is in good hands. He will be fine.

  2. Oh no, Kar! I'm so sorry to hear this :( It's just the worst when they're so small and you can't explain to them what's going on and why they feel bad. But he already feels better just having you there caring for him. You are an amazing mama! xo
