Friday, September 24, 2010

My three and a half month old

How can you not fall in love with those eyes and cheeks!

E and King in their new European outfits from Aunt Mer. Thanks Meredyth!!

Last time we were at the docs, King weighed in at 15lbs. He's a giant, and I love him so friggin' much! He's my squishy wiggly cuddle bear and I wouldn't change any part of him for the world. He loves to try to stand so intensely, that any time he's starting to fuss I can just stand him up and he will immediately crack a smile. He's fallen out of love with his bouncy chair, and now prefers to be held, which I LOVE might I add. I would hold him on my hip and take cuddle naps with him until he's 15 years old if he'd let me. He's also currently sleeping through the night, yippee! And in his big boy crib, can I get a double yippee!!

Blowing spit bubbles on his belly just cracks the kid up (see video link below). He's also incredibly ticklish! I just can't believe how much of a personality he already has. Hopefully he's just like his daddy, and stays a really outgoing/non-shy/laid-back babe. I can't believe how lucky I am; Kingston is such a good baby. He's at the gym with me at least once a week, and barely ever makes a fuss. He will just flirt and coo and giggle at the team girls the entire workout. I am so blessed! I love you my little ShhNUGGLES!

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Mer has adorable taste I love Kingston's euro outfit so much! And he looks even bigger than just a week ago, lil chubs!! xo
