Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I absolutely love my Wednesdays. It is generally my only full day off during the week. It's just me and the KingBear all day long. We have a blast giggling, going for walks, getting our Starbucks in the morning, grocery shopping, going to the park, and just hanging out at home reading books! The only problem is that it makes it that much harder to leave him on Thursdays to go to work.

I try my very best to not check email or do any work of any sort. Yes, that means even housework...The dishes stay dirty, the laundry unfolded, the rug unvaccuumed; but I simply refuse to spend my only day with Kingston cleaning up. And even when he's napping, I still don't do the housework. It's the only way I keep my sanity (or at least that's my excuse). The only problem with this is that my poor dear loving husband usually ends up doing all of the housework. Sometimes I don't show it, but I hope he knows how much I sincerely appreciate how much he helps around the house. Thank you Em, for allowing me my special day with our beautiful son.

A bunch of pics from our day at the park...


  1. You enjoy your day with that beautiful little boy. There will always be laundry, dirty dishes and a floor that needs attention, but right now your little gift from God deserves your full attention. So give it to him now and cherish every moment GUILT FREE because they grow up so fast. You can always clean your house in 10 years. hahaha
    And yes, Emerson is one special man. You should keep him around.

  2. Pictures are precious. He is so dang cute.

  3. I have Wednesdays off too! Text me this Wed if you go to the park or out shopping. Char and I usually go out and do fun stuff on Wed.

  4. Your priorities are perfect! Look at that little chubby cutey angel! Dishes smishes. I DO think it's insanely awesome that Emerson picks up the slack. Where did you get him, again? I need to get Rob a "doing dishes" upgrade, haha!
